A few years ago, I began collecting memorable thoughts and quotes. My regret is that I didn’t start earlier. I’d be willing to trade my stashes of WD-40 and duct tape for those message outlines, good jokes, and countless facts I’ve heard and forgotten along the way. Recently, while looking over the few hundred I […]
I admire the person who can use humor, thoughtfulness, or a self-deprecating comment to defuse the tension of an angry moment. Maybe that’s why I’ve become so intrigued with the proverb that says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). I’m convinced that there is more here […]
One of the great challenges to understanding God’s Word is finding its storyline within its 66 sections. But when we uncover the basic plot, we find that not only is the Bible a good read—it’s our story. ¶ In these pages, we learn of a Great King who outmaneuvers the terrorist strategies of a former […]
Recently Jerusalem journalist Jimmy DeYoung and I visited the Island of Patmos where John received his vision of the Revelation. Planning to produce 10 programs for Day of Discovery TV, we hoped to provide an up-close view of “The Land of the Seven Churches.” I thought you might like to take a look at a […]
The “screensaver” on my computer is a daily reminder of one of the most important thoughts I’ve ever had. When my laptop has been inactive for a few minutes, the screen goes black. Then large red words begin scrolling across the display saying, “The only way to peace of mind is to see each day […]
Dear Al, The last time we talked, you asked a question I couldn’t answer. I remember the concern in your eyes and how helpless I felt to give you any assurance when you asked, “Does the Bible offer any comfort when we’re afraid someone we love has died without Christ?” ¶ Your heartbreak is understandable. […]
“Time Of Messiah Foretold” “Jewish Prophet Surprises the Experts” “Future of Jerusalem Has Implications for Whole World” “No Permanent Peace for at Least Seven More Years” These headlines deserve front-page space on every newspaper of the world. They are rooted in an often overlooked prophecy made by the Jewish prophet Daniel. Daniel is amazingly credible. […]
No generation has edged as close as ours to the end of the age. Who can deny that the world is looking more and more like the Bible’s description of the last days. Even secular thinkers are aware of Armageddon-like possibilities. And now, at this late date, I’m having second thoughts about how we’ve handled […]
I don’t want to walk with the proud. But neither do I want to be counted among the humble. ¶ Humility has P. R. problems. Pride has done a good job ruining the reputation of its rival. Many of us cannot even think of humility without suspecting pride in disguise, or an unhealthy and self-defeating personality. […]
The People vs. Job In a courtroom of heaven a prosecutor from hell stands to his feet. His opening comments are brief. He alleges that one who has not joined the resistance is on the take. If his claim can be established, the verdict will raise questions about persons in high places. With the Court’s […]